rokol_ffi 0.3.1

Rust FFI to Sokol


Rust FFI to Sokol, only for Rokol

It's generated with bindgen and implements Default trait.


Tested on macOS only

Supported headers

rokol_ffi compiles all of the follows:

  • sokol_app.h
  • sokol_gfx.h
  • sokol_glue.h

Supported backends

GlCore33, Metal and D3D9. WebGPU backend is not supported by rokol-ffi (until I need it).

Specifying renderer

Use feature flag to switch graphics backend: cargo run --features=glcore33.

Conditional compilation in down stream crates

rokol_ffi/ emits DEP_SOKOL_GFX to of crates that lists rokol_ffi in their Cargo.toml.

c.f. Build Scripts - The Cargo Book #The links Manifest Key